Side Effects of Diabetes on Eye Health

In addition to causing damage to the health of the kidneys or possible amputations, high levels of sugar in the blood can be reflected in the visual health of patients…

Exercise reduces 58% of having diabetes 2, say experts

Exercise combined with a healthy lifestyle can benefit people’s overall health Endocrinology experts assure that leading a healthy lifestyle and exercising reduces the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes by…

Learn how to manage diabetes in pregnancy

There are other risk factors for developing diabetes, such as having high blood pressure, having excess amniotic fluid, having previously had an unexplained leak, or having had diabetes in previous…

Study finds, Vitamin D consumption may prevent diabetes

The consequences of uncontrolled diabetes can be total blindness, kidney disease, heart disease, amputations, and, in the worst case, death. Diabetes is a chronic disease that every seven seconds ends…